Hyderabad Traffic Challan Details Online
Hyderabad Traffic Challan Status :
Hyderabad Traffic police traffic challan is now available online. We can check status of traffic challan online using www.echallan.org which i official website to check pending challan which are imposed on a vehicle . You can also pay challan amount online with Net banking .
How To Check Hyderabad Traffic Challan
Follow below steps to check the traffic challan imposed on your vehicle .
Step 1 : Visit Official Web Portal
Visit official website of Hyderabad traffic police department echallan which is www.echallan.org .
Click that link and enter the site .
Step 2 : Enter Your Vehicle Details
On entering in to the echallan website you will have a form to enter your vehicle number for which you want to check the imposed challan . Enter the vehicle number and enter the security code which you can see beside your vehicle number field .
Step 3 : Check For Pending Challans
If you have any pending challans on your vehicle those will be listed on the page . If you do not have any pending challans then you will be prompted with a message saying no pending challans.
Step 4 : Check For Challan Correctness
If you have pending challans and they are listed on the page , you can find more information about that challan in that page. You can see the date and time of the challan . You can also get the place and the type of violation . Fine amount also listed on that page . If image of that violation is available then link will be given at the end of the challan details . If image of the violation is not available online you will be noticed with the place where you can get that image .
Step 5 : Report any Wrong Challans
If you find any wrong challans or If you Find vehicle in the photograph with the Challan is not your vehicle or Issued double Challan, Check the box beside the challan number and click on report to us.
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