Pay Delhi Traffic E Challan Status Online

Pay Delhi Traffic E Challan Status Online

Pay Delhi Traffic E Challan Status Online

Pay Delhi Traffic E Challan Status Online :

Traffic police of Delhi as provided a facility to check the traffic challan imposed on vehicles for violating the traffic rules . Now you can check the traffic challans by visiting official site provided by Delhi traffic police . You can also pay the fine amount at

There are few steps to check the traffic challan online .The steps are mentioned below. Please go through them

Step 1

Go to the official website provided by Delhi traffic police . Click here to go to the website

step 2

After entering into the website you will be asked to enter the vehicle number on which you are searching for pending challans . After entering the vehicle number click on search .

Step 3

After u click on search server will check for the pending challans on the given vehicle number , if the server finds any pending challan it will display the  challan associated with the vehicle number you have entered

step 4

Basically you will get some other details along with a challan number the details may be name of the offence you involved or name of the the violation you have done.  place of the violation and date and time of the violation

Pay Delhi Traffic E Challan Status Online

In some cases you can also get the image of the offence you involved . Once you see the challans impose on you verify the details given by traffic police of Delhi if anything found wrong You Can contact Delhi traffic police . In further the steps if you want to pay the fine imposed on you , you can do it from the given up official website .Select the challan you want to pay and click continue . In general there may be many options for paying the challan. You need to choose one payment options they maybe Debit Card and Credit Card and Internet banking .

You have to choose one of the a payment option and click continue . Enter the necessary details while making the transaction in the bank website after completing the Payment procedure successfully you will  get e-receipt for the payment you made . Download or print the receipt , it may be useful for further correspondence . Please check terms and conditions applicable  before going for payment procedure .